This is the second participation of Tunisia in GEM activities and the year that has known the beginning of the major social and political turmoil that have led to the historical 14th January 2011 revolution. Indeed, early-stage entrepreneurial activity in Tunisia has decreased to 6.12%; comprising 1.73 % nascent entrepreneurship and 4.44 % new firm entrepreneurship. Established business ownership rate measures about 9 %. As found in the 2009 GEM results, entrepreneurial activity is driven more by opportunity rather than necessity with 75 % of entrepreneurial activity being motivated by opportunity and only 25 % is driven by necessity. Male entrepreneurial activity is nearly two times higher, namely 67 %, than that of females, namely 33 %. Gender entrepreneurial gap has globally decreased compared to 2009. Results also show that 69 % of male entrepreneurs are driven by opportunity while this rate is even higher about 85 % for female entrepreneurs. Clearly, female entrepreneurship involvement has increased compared to 2009 findings. The APS survey reveals that 24.4 % of Tunisians expects to start a new business within the next three years. We find that 37.21% of individuals involved in entrepreneurial activity for an opportunity motive are mainly interested in increasing personal income, while 13,3 % are mostly concerned with greater independence. In the meantime, 25.75 % who pursued non-opportunity motives were driven by a desire to maintain personal income. In term of growth aspirations, results show that 10.06 % of all early-stage business entities are expecting 10 or more jobs 5 years after the business have started. Among individuals involved in entrepreneurship activity 53.3 % expect to create between 1 and 5 jobs, while 24.4 % expect to create between 6 and 19 jobs and only 17.8 %% have expectations of more than 20 jobs. This indicates better growth aspirations compared to 2009 expectations which in turns indicates a relative improvement in the quality of entrepreneurship in Tunisia. APS results reveal that both North East and West Central region have the highest rate of entrepreneurial activity in the country in 2010. The Central-East of the Tunisia has the highest mâle TEA (11 %). Compared to 2009, Grand Tunis entrepreneurial activity involvement has decreased despite being first nationwide in term of male participation.