Adult Population Survey (APS)
The APS is a comprehensive questionnaire, administered to a minimum of 2000 adults in each GEM country, designed to collect detailed information on the entrepreneurial activity, attitudes and aspirations of respondents.
Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions (EFCs)
The nine conditions identified by GEM that enhance (or hinder) new business creation in a given country, and provide the basis of the NES.
Global Entrepreneurship Research Association (GERA)
GERA is the umbrella organization that owns GEM, registered as a private limited not-for-profit company in the United Kingdom. It is funded by National Team fees, and the contributions of sponsoring institutions.
Individual-Level Data
A .sav data file, either APS or NES, containing all information for all interviews conducted.
National Expert Survey (NES)
The NES is administered to 36 'experts' in each GEM country and collects data on the context in which entrepreneurship takes place in a country. It provides information about the nine aspects of a country’s socio-economic milieu that are believed to have a significant impact on national entrepreneurship - the Entrepreneurship Framework Conditions (EFCs).
National-Level Data
A .sav data file, either APS or NES, containing GEM-calculated rates for a country or countries.
National Team
GEM is formed of a consortium of ‘National Teams’. Each Team is led by a local university or academic institution. The team is the official national representative of the project - responsible for collecting GEM data in the country on an annual basis, producing a 'National Report' on their findings, and acting as the point of contact for GEM enquiries.
Request For Proposal (RFP) Package
The package, usually a .zip file, which includes all the documents which National Teams need to submit in order to request approval for data collection as well as the documents they will need to conduct the surveys.
Request For Proposal (RFP)
This is a .pdf document issued by GEM, outlining the requirements for completing the APS and NES in a particular year. It is contained within the RFP package (see above).
Total early-stage Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA)
GEM's most well-known index, representing the percentage of 18-64 population who are either a nascent entrepreneur or owner-manager of a new business.