GEM Slovakia 2012 Report

  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Category: National Reports
  • Language: Slovak
  • Upload date: 2015-03-27

GEM Slovakia 2012: Above-average Entrepreneurial Activity, Below-average Entrepreneurial Environment. Executive Summary in English (pp. 27-38). Our analysis of GEM results suggests that the current state of entrepreneurship in Slovakia can be briefly characterized, on the one hand, by above-average entrepreneurial activity of our population in comparison to countries that are our benchmarks, and, on the other hand, by an entrepreneurial environment whose key characteristics are below-average. Such a state is clearly unsustainable, and will be reflected in the gradual decline of the entrepreneurial activity, which is already evident in the inter-annual comparison of 2012 and 2011. These circumstances will also be reflected in the decline of the aspirations of our entrepreneurs and the associated negative impact on economic growth and development of the country.

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